Still dwelling on a past event?

Remember that stress doesn't come from what's going on in your life.
It comes from your thoughts about what's going on in your life.
Andrew Bernstein

 All stress is a conflict between belief (what I'm thinking) and reality (what has actually happened).

These words, "Jackie you're in conflict with reality!" pull my attention right back into the present moment.  The reality is IT HAPPENED.

The reality is, you don't get clean from rolling in the mud.

Stop rolling in your story that it shouldn't have happened, that you've now missed out on something you're supposed to have had, and what it now means about your life.

Bring your attention back into the now and deal with what is!  It's very hard to be solution focussed when your attention is occupied in a past expectation.

Peace comes from acceptance of now!

Wishing you genuine joy and happiness.


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