PSC Products & Services


For Happier Families

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Our Courses

28 Day Challenge
For parents raising babies and toddlers.
Want to stop the cycle of loving motherhood one minute, resenting it the next, and feeling completely overwhelmed? You're not alone, and it doesn't have to be this way.

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Want to stop the cycle of loving motherhood one minute, resenting it

6 Week Program.
What to do when the kids are constantly fighting, you are going crazy and you've had enough of everyone telling you "Don't worry. It's NORMAL." Learn how to create a family culture where sibling relationships thrive and learn how to resolve conflict amicably.

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What to do when the kids are constantly fighting, you are going

28 Day program.
Heart-brain science that teaches you to calm the nervous system and retrain the brain into calmer parenting. Awakening the Peaceful Parent Within is much more than a parenting program. Peaceful parenting will become the natural result as you transform your inner world. It will change all your relationships, your work, how you set and achieve goals and how you enjoy your life.

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Awakening the Peaceful Parent Within is much more than a parenting program.

28 Day Challenge
How to stop anger, impatience and frustration from dominating your relationship with your children! Do you end your days feeling guilty and ashamed for yelling, smacking, over-reacting or being mean to your children? Are you ready to stop beating yourself up over getting angry every day and take action to change?

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How to stop anger, impatience and frustration from dominating your relationship with

28 Day Challenge (for parents of school aged children, including teens).
How to teach your children to WANT to co-operate. How to communicate with your child so they stop ignoring you and start co-operating so you no longer have to yell to get results!

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How to communicate with your child so they stop ignoring you and

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Our Books

Free yourself from motherhood stress and teach your kids to be happy at the same time! This book takes you by the hand and teaches you exactly how to handle the emotional and mental challenges that come with being a mum. No more waiting for your child to behave or reach a certain developmental age before you can enjoy motherhood and feel like a woman outside of being a mum.

This book approaches the issue of time management at a grassroots level first by addressing how you think about your time and a deeper understanding of what drives your priorities. Then it will teach you the practical tools required to organise your time and give you a plan of how to fit all of your hectic tasks into a schedule.

This book will take you on a journey into the inner workings of your mind to discover the root cause of why you are feeling so lost. You will learn how to readjust your mind to the present reality of this new phase of life, let go of the past and adopt an accurate understanding of self-worth, self-esteem, self-confidence, self-respect and a whole new personal identity to live from.

Many relationship books go straight into the practical elements of conflict resolution. While this book will also do that, it will go one step further and first, teach you how to get inside yours and your partner’s head to understand how both of you think and to understand the beliefs that drive you to behave or act the way you do. With a clear understanding of how to look at the dynamics in your

With 28 daily lessons to progressively teach you to understand the thinking behind your anger and frustrations, and how to change that thinking, you will learn how to adopt a different mindset when approaching the challenges of being a parent and become the calm parent you’ve always hoped you’d be. Find your calm, so you can teach it to your children.

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Our Membership

Gold Membership

Get access to all the programs the PSC teaches (excluding the ASD program) PLUS a lifetime of support from professional  counsellors 7 days a week.


Or choose 5 x $200 monthly payments

  • Lifetime access to 14 parenting programs
  • Lifetime access to our online Private Community (FB) with professional counsellors
  • Monthly webinars with PSC Counsellor
  • All Programs Downloadable for offline access
  • All 5 Ebooks by Jackie Hall (in PDF or Kindle)

14 Included Programs are:

- 28 Day Tame Your Temper Parenting Challenge
- Awakening The Peaceful Parent Within
- 6 Week Truce Program (for Marital Relationships)
- 9 Week Happy Mum Support Program
- 6 Week Stress Free Kids, Stress Free Parenting Program (school aged children)
- 4 Week Be The Change Program (for Stress, Depression & Anxiety)
- 12 Week Postnatal Depression Recovery Program
- 5 Week Adjusting to The Change Program
- 21 Day Give Me Back My Time Program
- 28 Day Make My Child Listen Program
- Sibling Rivalry Relief Program
- Recording of The Wired For Happiness Seminar - How to teach your kids to love life and avoid Stress (3 hours)
- 30 Day Mindset, Emotions & Mayhem Project)
- 28 Day Find My Calm Within The Chaos Challenge (for parents of children under 4 years old)

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Free Resources

21 Day Free Program
Does the lead up to Christmas bring you more anxiety than joy?
Busy schedules, tired kids, end of year meltdowns, conflict with family members, sibling rivalry, holidays to prepare for, money stress, a to-do list longer than your arm and the pressures of Christmas combined with every day life, can cause parents to feel more stressed than ever...BUT NOT THIS YEAR!...

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