Money Stress Makes Me An Unhappy Parent

A constant theme that runs through the info that you read in my programs, is this:

"Stress is never caused by events. It's how you perceive those events and what you perceive them to mean about you/your life!"

Money, or the lack of it as the case may be, is not causing your unhappiness. It's what you think the lack of money means about you, your life, or your kids' life. My proof of that is, does everyone who is not rich feel the same sense of lack and the stress that comes with this feeling?

If it were lack of money causing people stress, then wouldn't everyone who were poor feel unhappy? But that's not true. Sure it may be the majority, but there's still a minority who really don't care about their financial status. They have other things that they're focusing on that make them happen. So it can't be the money that causes unhappiness.

And therein lies my point.

What this minority are focusing on is 'something else'. They don't even have their attention on the lack.

Your stress over money doesn't even come from your money situation. It comes from your perception of the lack. It's a classic missing out lens. Look at what I don't have. Look at what I'm missing out on because of that lack. I'm missing out on how life should be.

But this may be the very perception that is keeping you stuck in this current financial position.

This thinking is in conflict with reality! Your financial position is your financial position. That's reality. Your judgment is what causes the stress.

So, what to do now you realise that?

Figure out what you want. What would be the ideal scenario for you in regards to money? Be specific. What impact would this ideal have on your life? What would life look like if you had this ideal?

Immerse yourself in the imaginative process of how it would feel to have a different financial picture going on in your life.

Now, how can you get it? Where is the information, the resources, the tools and the experts that can teach you how to get where you want to be?

See how you are now a lot more solution focused about how to get ahead, rather than rolling in your story of how bad or lacking your life is?

You won't change your position by wishing it wasn't so. You're at where you're at. Period. So what are you going to do about it now you're here?

Stop holding yourself back by thinking...



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