I am a parent struggling with Depression and/or Anxiety

Depression / Anxiety

Everything is going wrong. I feel like such a failure. I'm struggling to cope with everything.

When parenting, or just life in general becomes too much..

15-20% of Australian parents experience postnatal depression.  Many more parents experience depression and anxiety in their lifetime whether it's parenting related or not.

Depression occurs when parents are feeling completely overwhelmed with one or more areas of life and are starting to feel hopeless, like a failure and that there is no way out of these feelings.   As a survival response, the body wants to shut down and withdraw. 

Sometimes depression can be triggered because of one major event that occurred, but more often it can be a build up of challenging events over time. 

Anxiety occurs when parents feel out of control with one or more areas of life.  While depression is about withdrawal, anxiety is about action - how can I control life to go 'right' and prevent it from going 'wrong'.  It's often future focussed (what if.....) and can trigger anger and fear-based behaviours in parents. 

The PSC has a unique way of helping parents to identify and overcome anxiety and depression, whether it's parenting based or not.  

Our '28-day Awakening The Peaceful Parent Within' Program is the perfect program to help parents to alleviate symptoms of depression and/or anxiety.

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Upcoming Courses & Programs

28 Day Challenge
How to stop anger, impatience and frustration from dominating your relationship with your children! Do you end your days feeling guilty and ashamed for yelling, smacking, over-reacting or being mean to your children? Are you ready to stop beating yourself up over getting angry every day and take action to change?

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28 Day Challenge (for parents of school aged children, including teens).
How to teach your children to WANT to co-operate. How to communicate with your child so they stop ignoring you and start co-operating so you no longer have to yell to get results!

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Our Happy Parents

Nicole Lehmann

When I had my second child I went to a dark place that I could not get myself out of. I knew I did not want to feel this way and had to do something. I thought I was failing in every aspect of my life and was just completely hopeless. Having completed the Postnatal depression & anxiety course i can say my life has been completely turned around. I have learnt to love & respect myself & to embrace every challenge in life. I am so much more understanding & compassionate towards others now. Iv learnt that my life will have ups & downs but I have the personal strength & knowledge to get through any experience.

Amber Purtell Testimonial

I recommend all families to get among the various programs available as we all have room for improvement in one way or another, and Jackie has a way of teaching skills that make sense and are so practical. I am a much happier and more confident parent and person after being apart of the Happy Mummy Handbook program and 28 Day Get My Child To Listen challenge

Kylie Mate Testimonial

Jackie Hall and the Parental Stress Centre have been such a blessing to me and changed my life. Her programs are relevant, the support is amazing not only through the courses but afterwards also. She genuinely cares about the people enrolled and her passion is contagious. I’m so grateful for Jackie Hall and the Parental Stress Centre. I think everyone could learn something from Jackie and what she’s teaching. Thank you Jackie for helping me to change my life.

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