Defiance! This mum’s 9yo doesn’t respect her boundaries

What do you do if you have a defiant child who just does not respect your authority or the boundaries you are trying to put in place?

One of our participants was having this problem with her 9 year old son.

This video addresses the following:

Where he's at in his brain development for him to be behaving this way
How you can talk to your child in a way they can hear you AND work with you on solutions to this problem.

This video explains how to deal with a child who's defiant and won't listen to reason.

If you're interested on further information on this topic, you can check out our program -  Stress Free Kids, Stress Free Parents Program.

This course covers:

  • How to communicate more effectively to get more co-operation and respect from your child without fighting for it
  • How to alleviate your stress so you can parent from a calm and rational place
  • How to build your child’s self-esteem and teach them a healthy way to deal with emotions and life’s challenges.
  • How to resolve the inevitable conflicts that arise between you and your child; and your child and their siblings
  • How to delicately balance when to give tough love and when to be more lenient, understanding and open to negotiation
  • How to create a loving home environment that's easy to wake up to every day

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