Tame Your Temper in 28 Days! Live Challenge with Professional Counselling Support.

How to stop anger, impatience and frustration from dominating your relationship with your children!
Discover what over 20,000 mums and dads learnt to tame their temper in just 28 Days.
Do you end your days feeling guilty and ashamed for yelling, smacking, over-reacting or being mean to your children?
Or do you worry you'll damage your children by flying off the handle so often? Maybe you cringe when you see the look of fear on your child’s face or when they cower in anticipation of your wrath when they’ve done something wrong?
Are you ready to stop beating yourself up over getting angry every day and take action to change?

But change is hard, right?
It takes work but it's worth it! There will be lots of 'ah-ha!' moments as you learn to understand the roots of your anger and frustration. Understand what's really driving your outbursts and how to stay calmer.
Learn mindfulness techniques to stop you in the moment and retrain your thoughts, feelings and reactions to inevitable challenges you'll face as a parent. Life doesn't need to be perfect for you to be happy.
Understand the fundamentals of what is triggering your child's behaviours. Learn to separate yourself and really see what is going on for them.
You can get your children to WANT to cooperate with you and create a more connected relationship with your children.
See what results parents just like you are getting...

With the roadmap Jackie has given me, I feel equipped to appropriately address whatever gets thrown my way. The tools Jackie shares have been priceless and are grounded in sound science. I would highly recommend this program to any parent wishing for deeper connection with and understanding of their child and a smoother, more joy-filled existence.

Thanks so much Jackie. This has been transformational! I’ve really enjoyed your realistic, down to earth approach and candid videos, you deliver all this info in a way that people can really relate to. My mind has been blown repeatedly. I’m proud of the change I can feel in myself, and excited for the changes I can begin to see in my kids (and my husband)! Well done for creating such an amazing program. I truly believe you are doing such a wonderful thing for parents of future generations!!

What's included
Total time commitment is just 10 mins per day plus an hour for the weekly video.
28 x Daily Lessons full of insights and tools to address what life throws at you as a parent.
4 x 30-60 minute videos that will go deeper into the understanding of anger and give you loads of ‘golden nuggets’ of information about you and your child.
Live Counselling Support through our closed TYT Facebook Group and Live Q&A Session
Bonus Ebook: 28 Day Tame your Temper Parenting Challenge. So you have the full course in a book form you can refer back to at any point.
All videos delivered as mp3 audios so you can listen on the go instead of watching the videos.
Program week by week
Week one: Recognising your anger and learning how to stop it. Every day this week will see you recognising how your thoughts contribute to your anger. We’ll give you tasks to become aware of how common challenges trigger specific thoughts that cause you anger.
Week two: How to change the thinking/feeling trap. This week’s lessons help shift your viewpoint on the challenges that cause you stress.
Week three: Understand your child's behaviour and how to get solution focused. Now we jump into the world of your child. What must they be thinking to be behaving this way? Why does it make sense that the dynamics between you and them, or in your family exist? We’ll teach you how to start getting solution focussed about your child’s behaviour.
Week Four: Putting everything together - A continued life with a tamed temper. We’ll teach you how to practice using our 5 step TRACK process to keep you TRACKING along with your newfound calm.

What's at stake if you don't change?
You’ll continue to vow everyday you will change, but nothing ever will.
You’ll keep running those same patterns and go to bed feeling guilty, ashamed and berating yourself.
Things will likely get worse as the kids get older.
As the years go on, you will regret not making the effort to really turn this around.
You will waste precious years going round and round in circles feeling miserable, stressed, over-reactive and not enjoying the experience of parenting.
You could look back on your life when the kids are grown and moved out and wished it had been different.
For just over $10 a day you will learn all the tools you need to become the parent you want to be for your children. Complete this program in full and we guarantee it will change the way you parent for the better!

Jackie Hall - Founder and course creator
- Dip. Counselling, with specialised skills in CBT for Anxiety and Depression.
- 11 years of Trauma Counselling experience including EMDR (for PTSD, anxiety and depression).
- Residential Youth Carer executing Therapeutic Crisis Intervention Training for Challenging child behaviours, Solution-Focussed Therapy and Trauma-informed approaches.
- Registered 'Circle of Security' Parent Training Facilitator.
- 'Tuning Into Teens' Accredited Facilitator.
Jackie is a Qualified and Accredited counsellor, author, mother, keynote speaker, course facilitator and founder of the Parental Stress Centre.
She began her journey back in 2007 when she found herself the mother of two, suffering from postnatal depression and anxiety. During a particularly angry outburst that resulted in a knife catapulting across the room and almost hitting her then two year old son, Jackie received her wake up call (full story told in The Happy Mum Handbook). Since then she has dedicated her life to helping parents find their peace.

28 Day Tame Your Temper Challenge
Get access to the 28 day challenge. Own the program for life and change the way your family communicates forever.
Or choose 4 x $75 weekly payments
- 28 x daily lessons including scripts of what to say in those common parenting moments
- 4 x 30-60 minute videos that will go deeper into the understanding of anger and give you loads of ‘golden nuggets’ of information and tools to help
- Live Counselling Support through our closed TYT Facebook Group and Live Q&A Session
- Bonus Ebook: 28 Day Tame your Temper Parenting Challenge
- All videos delivered in mp3 so you can listen instead of watching
Gold Membership
Get access to ALL 15 courses the PSC teaches PLUS a lifetime of support from professional counsellors 7 days a week!
or choose 5 x monthly payments of $200
- Lifetime access to all 15 parenting programs
- Lifetime access to LIVE ONLINE programs
- Lifetime access to our Private Facebook Community monitored by our counsellors, 7 days a week
- Monthly webinars with PSC founder, Jackie Hall
- All programs downloadable for offline access
- All 5 Ebooks by Jackie Hall (in PDF or Kindle)
- 21 Day Give Me Back My Time Program
- 28 Day Make My Child Listen Program - 28 Day Tame Your Temper Parenting Challenge
- 28 Day Awakening The Peaceful Parent Within
- 6 Week Truce Program (for Marital R'ships)
- 6 Week Sibling Rivalry Relief Program
- 9 Week Happy Mum Support Program
- 6 Week Stress Free Kids, Stress Free Parenting Program (school aged children)
- 4 Week Be The Change Program (for Stress, Depression & Anxiety)
- 12 Week Postnatal Depression Recover Program
- 5 Week Adjusting to The Change Program
- Recording of The Wired For Happiness Seminar - How to teach your kids to love life and avoid Stress
- 30 Day Mindset, Emotions & Mayhem Project)
- 28 Day Find My Calm Within The Chaos Challenge (for parents of children under 4 yo)