How to communicate with your child so they stop ignoring you and start co-operating... so you no longer have to yell to get results!
Talking With Kids
28 Day Challenge for parents of primary schoolers to teens
Are you over arguing with the kids to do the simplest things, being ignored, and feel like you're talking to a brick wall? Do your children wait until you yell before they finally co-operate? Do you struggle with knowing what to say to motivate your child when they are being demanding, defiant, stubborn or challenging? Or do you struggle to know what to say to help your child when they're feeling painful emotions?
What age is this for?
While it's true that different ages require different approaches, 'The 28 Day Talking With Kids Challenge' is suitable for toddlers to teens.
This is one of those programs that gets specific about certain ages and stages of development but also applies fundamental concepts that can be applied to any aged child.
Whenever we're discussing a part of the program that is more prominent in the younger years, we will also show you how that concept can be applied in the older years too, and vice versa.
What will I learn?
- Overcome defiance and handle your child's emotional outbursts
- Understand why your child is not listening in the first place
- Communicate with your child in a way they will hear you
- Increase co-operation in your home without nagging and yelling
- Reduce tension, stress and conflict between you, your child and the whole family.
- Help your child grow a positive mindset that results in consideration, respect , confidence and happiness
Featured in:

What's included?
Total time commitment is 10-15 mins per day plus 1 hour per week for videos.
- 28 x daily lessons containing scripts that teach you what to say when handling those common challenges of parenting. You'll get specific scripts you can follow (or adapt) via email with the option to listen as audio files.
- 8 x 30 minute videos teaching you the art of communication and connecting with your children
- Bonus Ebook #1: 28 Day Tame your Temper Parenting Challenge
- Bonus Ebook #2: A Parent's Guide to Balance and getting more YOU time.
Our Happy Parents

I really want to thank u Donna and Jackie. I have recently completed the 28 Day Tame Your Temper Challenge and have been working my way through the MMCL Challenge.
Yesterday we had a day without any challenges from my son. The first since I can ever remember and he is now 11. We have also been discussing with him some issues that would normally set off a big tantrum and because we are communicating again without everyone shouting we have been able to resolve some things calmly by discussing them.
Please don’t think it’s perfect. We r still getting some back chat but since I have been ignoring this back chat and just responding well to the good bits and reminding him that I can’t hear him when he shouts and tantrums and it doesn’t get him his own way, things are really starting to improve.
My husband was starting to become a skeptic but promised he would continue to do it this way for now. And yesterday he said “You’re right Em. It’s really working. From 2 desperate parents. Thanku.

The PSC has brought something to my family’s life that I can’t even begin to explain. There is no thankyou in the world big enough to say how grateful I am to Jackie and her team. The PSC’s advice and strategies are realistic and their ongoing support is invaluable. Jackie’s programs have been a real game changer for me! Thanks PSC!

Thanks so much Jackie. This has been transformational! I’ve really enjoyed your realistic, down to earth approach and candid videos, you deliver all this info in a way that people can really relate to. My mind has been blown repeatedly. I’m proud of the change I can feel in myself, and excited for the changes I can begin to see in my kids (and my husband)! Well done for creating such an amazing program. I truly believe you are doing such a wonderful thing for parents of future generations!!
From the Course Creator

Jackie Hall
Founder of the Parental Stress Centre as well as a qualified counsellor, 5-time international author, mother of two and ex screamer who has had to walk her own talk. Jackie has helped more than 20,000 parents over the past decade manage their own mindset and emotions, as well as create harmonious relationships with their kids.
Common parenting approaches may not work with your children because the core of the problem hasn't yet been addressed. We can implement all the time outs, threats or punishments we want, but if there's a problem with your relationship where there's a lack of respect, conflicting personalities and a dynamic set up in the past that has created this current situation, we need to repair the relationship first before we can expect your child to listen and co-operate willingly.
The '28 Day Talking With Kids' challenge, is not just about practical advice dealing with behaviour, we go deeper into your relationship with your child and the family dynamics as a whole.
We get to the core of why you're child isn't listening, respecting you and co-operating and deal with that first, and THEN give you the practical strategies you need to make changes with immediate results.

28 Day Talking With Kids Course
Get access to the 28 day challenge. Own the program for life and change the way your family communicates forever.
Or choose 4 x $75 WEEKly payments
- 28 x daily lessons delivered by email and audio
- 8 x 30 minute videos teaching you the art of communication and connecting with your children
- Bonus Ebook #1: 28 Day Tame your Temper Parenting Challenge
- Bonus Ebook #2: A Parent's Guide to Balance and getting more YOU time.
Gold Membership
Get access to ALL 14 courses the PSC teaches PLUS a lifetime of support from professional counsellors 7 days a week!
or choose 5 x monthly payments of $200
- Lifetime access to all 14 parenting programs
- Lifetime access to LIVE ONLINE programs
- Monthly webinars with PSC founder, Jackie Hall
- All programs downloadable for offline access
- All 5 Ebooks by Jackie Hall (in PDF or Kindle)
- Programs included are:
- 28 Day Tame Your Temper Parenting Challenge
- Awakening The Peaceful Parent Within
- 6 Week Truce Program (for Marital R'ships)
- Sibling Rivalry Relief Program
- 9 Week Happy Mum Support Program
- 6 Week Stress Free Kids, Stress Free Parenting Program (school aged children)
- 4 Week Be The Change Program (for Stress, Depression & Anxiety)
- 12 Week Postnatal Depression Recover Program
- 5 Week Adjusting to The Change Program
- 21 Day Give Me Back My Time Program
- 28 Day Talking With Kids Program
- Sibling Rivalry Relief Program
- Recording of The Wired For Happiness Seminar - How to teach your kids to love life and avoid Stress
- 30 Day Mindset, Emotions & Mayhem Project)
- 28 Day Find My Calm Within The Chaos Challenge (for parents of children under 4 yo)