What's In It For Me?
In a ground breaking approach to solving relationship issues, “What’s in it for me?” shows you how everyone is on a journey to pursue pleasure and avoid pain. Not just physical, but emotional too. Behind every decision we make and action we take, we are all asking ourselves the question: “What’s in it for me?”
The unknown secret most successful couples hold is a deeper understanding of how the “What’s in it for me?” factor contributes to relationship conflict. They use this knowledge to solve arguments and let go of resentment.
“What’s in it for me?” will teach you how to get inside yours and your partner’s head to understand how both of you think. To understand the beliefs that drive you to behave or act the way you do.
With this in depth understanding you will see that to get more of what you want in your relationship, you have to give your partner more of what they need.
It’s the highroad less travelled and goes against everything you want to do when faced with conflict. But we promise to enlighten you to the reality of the true thinking behind relationship conflict. You'll learn to use this information to communicate, negotiate, and compromise more effectively.
The answer to relationship success is not to give up or give in – It’s to GIVE MORE.
Many relationship books go straight into the practical elements of conflict resolution. While this book will also do that, it will go one step further and first, teach you how to get inside yours and your partner’s head to understand how both of you think and to understand the beliefs that drive you to behave or act the way you do. With a clear understanding of how to look at the dynamics in your relationship, then you the practical elements of communication, negotiation and compromise become a lot more effective.

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From the Author

Jackie Hall
- Dip. Counselling, with specialised skills in CBT for Anxiety and Depression.
- 11 years of Trauma Counselling experience including EMDR (for PTSD, anxiety and depression).
- Residential Youth Carer executing Therapeutic Crisis Intervention Training for Challenging child behaviours, Solution-Focussed Therapy and Trauma-informed approaches.
- Registered 'Circle of Security' Facilitator.
Jackie is a Qualified and Accredited counsellor, author, mother, keynote speaker, course facilitator and founder of the Parental Stress Centre.
She began her journey back in 2007 when she found herself the mother of two, suffering from postnatal depression and anxiety. During a particularly angry outburst that resulted in a knife catapulting across the room and almost hitting her then two year old son, Jackie received her wake up call (full story told in The Happy Mum Handbook).

Get all the Jackie Hall Books
5 Book Pack
- A Parent's Guide to Balance and Getting More YOU time
- A Parent's Guide to finding your lost Identity
- The Happy Mum Handbook
- 28 Day Tame Your Temper
- What's In It For Me?