28 Day Tame your Temper Challenge
Completely over backchat, sibling rivalry and an endless list of frustrating childhood moments, thousands of parents shamefully resort to yelling at their children to get results.
Soon after, comes parental guilt, the fear of ‘messing up your child’s life’ and the feeling of being a lousy parent. All that need not happen anymore. More than 4,500 parents have already taken the challenge, as seen on Channel Seven's Sunrise program. Now it’s your turn to take the challenge!
Based on the premise that it takes 21 days to break a habit and seven days to reinforce the new one (to tame your temper). This book will teach you to understand the thinking behind your anger and frustrations. Then how to adopt a different mindset when approaching the challenges of being a parent.
With 28 daily lessons to progressively teach you to understand the thinking behind your anger and frustrations, and how to change that thinking, you will learn how to adopt a different mindset when approaching the challenges of being a parent and become the calm parent you’ve always hoped you’d be. Find your calm, so you can teach it to your children.

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- 28 Day Tame Your Temper Program
- Including Tame Your Temper Ebook
From the Author

Jackie Hall
- Dip. Counselling, with specialised skills in CBT for Anxiety and Depression.
- 11 years of Trauma Counselling experience including EMDR (for PTSD, anxiety and depression).
- Residential Youth Carer executing Therapeutic Crisis Intervention Training for Challenging child behaviours, Solution-Focussed Therapy and Trauma-informed approaches.
- Registered 'Circle of Security' Facilitator.
Jackie is a Qualified and Accredited counsellor, author, mother, keynote speaker, course facilitator and founder of the Parental Stress Centre.
She began her journey back in 2007 when she found herself the mother of two, suffering from postnatal depression and anxiety. During a particularly angry outburst that resulted in a knife catapulting across the room and almost hitting her then two year old son, Jackie received her wake up call (full story told in The Happy Mum Handbook).

Get all the Jackie Hall Books
5 Book Pack
- A Parent's Guide to Balance and Getting More YOU time
- A Parent's Guide to finding your lost Identity
- The Happy Mum Handbook
- 28 Day Tame Your Temper
- What's In It For Me?