The Happy Mum Handbook

Free Yourself From Motherhood Stress

The Happy Mum Handbook

How can this book help you?

After personally suffering from motherhood stress, depression and more often than not – a lot of anxiety, I went on a journey of self-discovery and found a method that completely transformed and changed the way I parented and the way I felt about myself and my life.

I have learnt firsthand that there IS a way to be a happy mum and the positive role model you want to be and it is the most amazing and liberating feeling a mum could have.

Now I know this might be sounding too good to be true and perhaps a little sensational, but listen closely because this method works, but for some reason it just hasn’t been taught in society. I was so excited at the benefits this method has given me and the way I now parent, but was also disappointed this information wasn’t readily available to mums. So, I decided to write about it and educate mums on this must have information myself.

The ONLY parenting handbook that takes you by the hand and teaches you exactly how to handle the emotional and mental challenges that come with being a mum. No more waiting for your child to behave or reach a certain developmental age before you can enjoy motherhood and feel like a woman outside of being a mum.

Here are just some of the personal benefits you will get from reading this valuable handbook:

  • Learn a simple 5 step solution focussed method to handling every challenge encountered in motherhood.
  • Prevent stress, depression or anxiety from becoming a part of your life.
  • Say goodbye to feeling like your identity is lost and say hello to a new you!
  • Discover how to make time-out a priority without feeling motherhood guilt.
  • Reconnect and communicate with your marital partner and create a harmonious family.
  • Learn how to raise your self-esteem and know that you are always 100% worthy!
  • Handle tantrums, lack of sleep, attitude, or any other developmental or behavioural problem with your child – without anger, frustration and helplessness.
  • Avoid the pressure of being the perfect parent and stop self-criticism and fear of being a bad mother.

Recommended For You

  • 9 Week Happy Mum Support Program 
  • Including the Happy Mum Handbook
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From the Author

This book may be the most important book you'll read as a mum.

There are loads of books on how to raise happy children, but where's the manual on how to be a happy mum? After personally suffering from motherhood stress, depression and more often than not – a lot of anxiety, I went on a journey of self-discovery and found a method that completely transformed and changed the way I parented and the way I felt about myself and my life.

I was so excited at the benefits this method has given me and the way I now parent, but was also disappointed this information wasn’t readily available to mums.

So, I decided to write about it and educate mums on this must have information myself!

Jackie Hall - Founder & Lead Counsellor of the Parental Stress Centre

  • Dip. Counselling, with specialised skills in CBT for Anxiety and Depression.
  • 11 years of Trauma Counselling experience including EMDR (for PTSD, anxiety and depression).
  • Residential Youth Carer executing Therapeutic Crisis Intervention Training for Challenging child behaviours, Solution-Focussed Therapy and Trauma-informed approaches.  
  • Registered 'Circle of Security' Facilitator.
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    Get all the Jackie Hall Books

    5 Book Pack

    • A Parent's Guide to Balance and Getting More YOU time
    • A Parent's Guide to finding your lost Identity
    • The Happy Mum Handbook
    • 28 Day Tame Your Temper 
    • What's In It For Me?

    9-week Autism Parental Stress Relief Program


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