Stress over ADHD Child's Behaviour
The mindset you approach your child's challenging behaviour with, is so crucial in whether you will successfully overcome the challenge or not.
One of our course participants recently posted in our group on how she was struggling with her ADHD child's behaviour.
She allowed me to share her post, and record my response with you because I know that there are SO many parents out there who feel exactly the same as this mum.
Here's what she said:
"I really struggle as a single mum, with literally no time to myself, feeling so unappreciated and float between anger with him and exploding at the smallest things because that seemingly small thing has happened a hundred time before and the behaviour never seems to change. And at the same time I am angry at myself because I feel like I have created a monster. What must it say about me as a parent that I've raised such a spoilt, selfish, ungrateful, disrespectful child. and what's worse, what does it say about me as a parent that I actually feel that way about my own child.
I can't get past feeling he's just so manipulative and generally has no respect for me or how hard I work to give him what I think is a pretty damn good life."
Can you relate?
Listen to how my advice on how to begin to turn this situation around.
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